Hillary's Memory Fuzzy, Misremembers Treacherous (?) Visit to Bosnia in '96

CBS does a bit of a hit job on Hillary with this piece, especially focusing on the sweet little girl that greeted her on that day in ’96. But then, Hillary earned every bit of it. Yet another reason I am almost 100% certain she will be bested by Obama. And another lesson in how trying to act like 1990s Bill when you aren’t Bill leads to disastrous results.

Speaker Pelosi Confused, Thinks She's Secretary of State

Last Friday Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) took it upon herself to reach out to the Dalai Lama in beleaguered Tibet, visiting its universally revered religious leader and appearing with him in ethnic garb for a series of photo ops. She denounced the oppression of the Chinese government perpetrated upon the Tibetian populace. “As a freedom-loving people, if we don’t speak out about the Chinese oppression, then we have lost our right to speak on human rights,” Pelosi grandly stated. Wrapped up in self-righteous euphoria, she was not to be stopped by concern that maybe there were more pressing matters facing her own constituents, or that perhaps there were plenty of other oppressed folks out there that she hasn’t felt the urge to publicly support. Was it a play to boost her dreadful approval ratings? Or just a chance to get some rare media coverage in a Presidential Election year? The answer remains unclear, but what is clear is that Pelosi seems to forget we pay professionals to the foreign relations thing for us.